St. Peter's School Cambridge Foundation

The Structa Saxo Society

St Peter’s story began in 1924, when Arthur Broadhurst left his family’s prosperous cotton business in England to pursue his dream – to establish a preparatory boys’ school in New Zealand. This year, 2021, marks the 85th birthday of St Peter’s. Did AFB ever imagine that his little boys prep school would grow to become one of New Zealand’s top independent co-educational boarding schools. An enduring legacy.

In honour of Mr Broadhurst and all who went before, The Structo Saxo Society is being launched this year. The Structo Saxo Society will represent those gracious and generous individuals who recognise St Peter’s in their Will through a gift, large or small. Mr Broadhurst set the example way back in 1936-1960 when he personally financed a number of scholarships for boys who could not afford to attend St Peter’s. Mr Thornton, Headmaster from 1960-1978, also dedicated his life to the wellbeing and success of St Peter’s.

Please consider joining The Structo Saxo Society. “Structo Saxo” – Built on a Rock. Your bequest gift, no matter how small, will help keep building upon the rock.


A will is very personal and we strongly advise that you consult your legal advisor before drafting a new will or updating an existing one. We are happy to discuss your wishes but do not offer direct legal or financial advice on estate planning.

If you are considering a gift to St Peter’s in your will, here is some suggested wording to ensure that your wishes are carried out:

“I give and bequeath to the St Peter’s School Foundation, a charitable trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC35195)

$ (a specific dollar amount)


% (a specific percentage) of my estate


% (the whole or specific percentage) of the residue of my estate


(describe precisely the item of property) free from all duties and charges, as a contribution to the St Peter’s School Foundation to be applied for which the receipt of the St Peter’s School Foundation shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees. This short phrase could simply describe the type of recipient or programme that you wish to direct your gift to.


Donors can choose the area where they would like to direct their gift. Scholarships are much needed at St Peter’s. Other ways to support St Peter’s are through funds for teacher development, the performing arts, technology, sports programmes and the provision of world-class facilities.

Ideally, in addition to your will you can draw up a “statement of intentions” to translate your gift into workable instructions for the St Peter’s Foundation. A “statement of intentions” could include information on:


If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to the St Peter’s Foundation, we are delighted to make the following commitments to you:

“Including St Peter’s in my will aligns with my desire to make my life meaningful. I feel that I’m assisting future generations of students to achieve a top-class education, which will hold them in good stead for the future. “
Anonymous Bequest Donor

For more information on including a gift to the St Peter’s Foundation in your will, please contact:

Josephine Gallagher
Advancement Coordinator
St Peter’s School Foundation

Telephone: +64 (0) 7 827 9842
Mobile: +64 (0) 27 808 1936

Private Bag 884
Cambridge 3450
New Zealand

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